by Andrea Benseman

Y4-8 North Loburn School - Term 4 2022 Talent Quest

Andrea BensemanOctober 20, 2022

Welcome everyone to Talent Quest Mania 2022. This is an optional competition for pupils who like to perform on stage. Pupils can sing, dance, play a musical instrument or perform a skit/drama act.

If your child is interested in participating, please read the rules below. If you have any further queries please don’t hesitate to contact Tanya Connelly

Who: Y4-8 pupils

Where: School hall

When: Tuesday 15th November (week 5) - Semi Finals

Friday 18th November - Winner Showcase (early assembly)

Entries Close - Tuesday 25th October - Week 2


  1. The Talent Quest Competition will be open to all Y4-8 pupils.
  2. There will be four categories: dance, singing, instruments, other (e.g.small skits, drama, puppet show, magic show etc ).
  • If you are singing and dancing in the same item please choose which category you want to be judged in as you cannot be judged in both.

Each item must be no longer than 5 minutes.

It is advisable that groups should be limited to 8 students.

Pupils may enter in more than one item but no more than two per category.

Groups/individuals cannot enter in the same category more than once.

Each section will have a winner and a second place.

The winning and second place performances in each section will perform in a showcase at an early assembly on Friday 18th November.

Pupils may organise practices during break and lunchtimes. If rooms are popular Mrs Connelly will organise a booking sheet. Only certain rooms will be available. During these times only those pupils may be in that room. Pupils are also encouraged to practise outside school hours.

Costumes and props for the items are encouraged for impact.

Parents may assist with costumes, props and choreography, but cannot be on stage with the child.

Please confirm your entry with Mrs Connelly or your teacher, on the entry sheet displayed in Kauri’s main classroom window, before Tuesday 25th October (Week 2).

All equipment, links to music, instruments etc must be organised beforehand and this must be entered on the sheet. This is the responsibility of the group or individual (not your teacher).

Certificates will be given to all participants.

The winners of each category will be rewarded.

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