Tihiraki North Loburn School Term 3 Week 4
Anna Webb
We welcome you and your whānau to join us on the afternoon of 23rd August to Kaupapa Kotahi. This is a celebration of learning from each kura, across our Kahui. Feel free to pop along to see all 18 schools in our community of learning to share and present at Rangiora High School, in the Rakahuri space. Look for the food van and sausage sizzle. We'd love to see you there. Thanks for your support. Anna Webb (Kahui within school lead for Tihiraki, North Loburn School).
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Rebecca Green
As part of our Navigating the Journey programme in Rimu we explored what it means to cooperate as a team. The children were very proud to work together and produce this stunning dinosaur mural. The tamariki even asked to work on it before school.
Andrea Benseman
Trina Shepherd
Lois Pettigrew
Challenging maths questions were asked of the three teams that competed in the North Cantamaths Competition last Wednesday!
Kate Hassall
We are having some great conversations in Kahikatea and learning new things about each other.
Some of the Year 8's chose the Design and Visual Communication option for their technology rotation and are making light boxes.
Each Monday we board the big bus and head down to Dudley Pool to practice blowing our bubbles, build our confidence in the water and practise our water skills. As we wait for Rimu to finish their swimming lessons, the Mānuka superstars enjoy sharing some of our favourite picture books together. This is such a fabulous time together! A great way to spend an afternoon.
Our Garden to Table program is in need of manure.
Sports, community events, holiday programs and community contacts.
Some rights reserved Tihiraki North Loburn School , 2024