POWER Tools Day 2017
Last Thursday 6 April, we held our first 2017 POWER tools day for our Year 12 students. POWER tools was introduced in 2016 in response to a need identified by staff and senior students for 'life skills' to be taught to our students. The name and content reflect the Timaru Boys' High School PB4L programme values, and key knowledge and skills for our students’ futures.s.
The boys completed five rotations during the day which covered the topics summarised below.
Money 101: Bank accounts, credit cards and hire purchase
Insurance 101: Different types, why insure, jargon busters
Tyres 101: Changing a tyre
Money 102: Mortgages and investments
Man dress 101: How to iron a shirt and wardrobe essentials
The boys were requested to dress in interview appropriate clothing and a significant number of our boys did this very well, generating some robust debate within ‘Man dress 101’. If your son was involved in the POWER tools day, we encourage you to engage them in discussion about insurance, superannuation and mortgages from your perspective.
The boys were requested to dress in interview-appropriate clothing and a significant number did this very well, generating some robust debate within ‘Man dress 101’. If your son was involved in the POWER tools day, we encourage you to engage him in discussion about insurance, superannuation and mortgages from your perspective.
The boys have also been encouraged to change a tyre on a vehicle they may use now or in the future to develop confidence in this skill. We were also fortunate to receive outside expertise with Shane Dowling from Mainland Insurance and Don McFarlane from Timaru Budget Advisory Trust kindly providing their time and knowledge. We utilised the existing knowledge and enthusiasm from several school staff as well.
A second POWER tools day will be held late in Term 2 and will include content on legal matters, job seeking, taxation, men’s health and other areas in which the boys have expressed a strong need. If you would be willing and able to contribute to our future POWER tools days, we would like to welcome you as part of our school community to do so. Please contact Blair Poulter (poulterbl@timaruboys.school.nz) or 687 7560, extn 713.
: Cj|`