Hero photograph
PTA Meeting
Photo by TBHS

PTA........ New Members Sought!


TBHS has a small but committed Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

We focus on 3-4 small fundraisers each year that can be managed in school, and host activities that support the school with the aim of putting the money back into the curriculum and areas that the school would otherwise struggle to source funds.

We would love to be a larger PTA! 

We are an informal and pain free way to be involved in the school. Bring a friend, and come along.  The AGM is to be held on 8 April at 7pm in the Learning Centre (Oxford St entrance by Thomas House).

Everyone is welcome; we are also looking for a new Chairperson as our current Chair has increased her work commitments. You will be well supported by the rest of the team and the Chairperson will continue to be involved but not as an office bearer. 

Coming up: We are looking for volunteers to help serve muffins and run the BBQ for Open Day on Sunday 15 March - anytime between 12:30-3:30pm would be awesome.

We are also hoping to be involved in serving refreshments in the interval of the upcoming production at the end of May. If you would like any further information, please contact Lee on leelindbom@gmail.com or Sally hiltonsa@timaruboys.school.nz, or come along to one of our meetings. 

 The Learning Centre is on the left as you come in through the hostel entry off Oxford Street.