Hero photograph
Kite Flying - Year 10NL Mathematics class
Photo by Carolyn Bunting

Mathematics Dept - Kite Flying


It is not often that Mathematics takes a trip outside the classroom walls, but the class of 10NL have shown that there is fun to be had! 

As a part of their unit on Pythagoras and Trigonometry, the boys of Miss Everitt's class have been working on a kite making project.  They have been using their knowledge of right-angled triangles to design kites in small groups, where they showcased their learning by calculating a range of length and angle measurements to fit the material specifications. Then at the end of the week during a collaborative lesson over two periods with Miss Everitt and Mr Nelson (PE), the boys entered the workshop to make their kites, and then test out their designs by flying them out on the Rectory.

With only a light wind, the boys were forced to work up a sweat running to keep them in the air, and it was quickly discovered which materials and designs were more aerodynamic. Once in the air, the boys could further test their understanding by calculating how high up in the air their kites were flying. The boys all worked very well, and thoroughly enjoyed being able to get outside the classroom in a hands-on approach to learning.