Hero photograph
Summer Netball
Photo by Anon

Summer Netball


Netball South Canterbury will be running a Mixed Social Summer League Netball Competition on Wednesday Nights.

This is a mixed social grade competition and is open to both girls and boys. The emphasis is on fun and keeping men and women active over the summer season. 

Dates: 11th November – 16th December (6 weeks before Christmas) and 20th January – 24th February (6 weeks after New Year) (12 Weeks in total)

Game rounds and times will depend on team entries (Likely to be 6pm and 7pm if two rounds or 6:30pm if one round)
$120 per team for full 12 weeks (Complete Summer Season), $60 per team for 6 weeks (either before or after Christmas)
The venue for this programme will be the Aorangi outside netball courts.
Teams are to supply their own umpires for their own games, and someone is to keep score (can be a player on the side-line).

Payment must be received before Tuesday 10th November 2020 to Netball South Canterbury account: 01-0886-0135982-00 (SUMMERNET and team name as reference).
Please read the Conditions of Entry before registering your team https://www.sporty.co.nz/asset/downloadasset?id=a6ead099-9348-46a8-bdd1-80c94c0f0c48

Register via the link below...

Registrations to be received before Friday 6th November 2020.

If you have any questions please contact Emma Goddard (nscdevelopmentofficer@gmail.com)