Hero photograph
Jane Sullivan
Photo by Anon

Board Profile: Jane Sullivan, Selected Parent Rep


South Canterbury is a great place to live, work, study and play! Married to Kevin McAleer, I have a son in Year 11 at TBHS and a daughter in her 4th year at Massey University in Wellington. I am an Old Girl of Timaru Girls’ High School.

I was approached to join the Board of Trustees in October 2016 when a position on the board became vacant. I am privileged to be part of a dedicated BOT team who, along with TBHS staff, are committed to the school’s goal: for each boy to achieve his personal excellence, be respectful and to contribute to the community with an inquiring and independent mind.

I have worked in education, health and sport settings in both the public and private sectors over the last 25 years. My inquiring mind has led me to pursue further post-graduate research work in the field of sport and exercise psychology.

I am a member of the recently formed BOT audit committee and also a member of the steering group that is looking into setting up a sports council at TBHS.

We all have a part to play in ensuring the experience for each student at TBHS is a positive and fulfilling one, and gives them a sense of belonging.