Hero photograph
Relay for Life 2016
Photo by Angus McKnight

Relay for Life


Year 13 students set up camp last weekend on Site 81 at the annual Relay for Life fundraiser run by the local Cancer Society.

Initiated by the students, their participation epitomised the strong leadership and school representation that is given on a regular basis by this year group. Unsolicited feedback from the community reinforced the positive contribution throughout the weekend of these 25 young men – from helping the neighbouring team with their set up, to having fun while displaying great behaviours, the boys were a credit to the school and their parents. Not only was the physical presence of three TBHS teams appreciated, but the local Cancer Society were the grateful recipients of over $4,000!

Sincere thanks go to the boys, parents and staff who supported the 2016 Relay for Life endeavours – it has been much appreciated.