Hero photograph
Tonga needs your support
Photo by THSOBA



The THSOBA at their most recent meeting agreed to gift $5000 to the Tongan relief fund.

The devastation caused by the volcanic eruption in Tonga in February continues to have a deep and long-lasting effects on our Pacific neighbours.

An appeal to our old boy community has had a modest response and is on-going but the need is significant and needed now. There are several dozen Tongan families connected to TBHS and they have been active in supporting those in their homeland.

A visit to the school in September by our THSOB and Tongan Prime Minister, Siaosi Sovaleni was a reminder of our intimate connection with Tonga. Like all natural disasters there is an initial outpouring of support then the ongoing issue slip from the headlines.

As noted in the last newsletter, PM Sovaleni has vivid and fond memories of his time and achievements at TBHS.

There are over 50 Tongan students enrolled at TBHS in 2022 and Sina Latu, an influential figure in the South Canterbury Tongan community, previously had a teaching support role in the school now serves on the Board of Trustees. The Old Boys donation will make an impact.

Lending a hand to Tonga and our Old Boy Prime Minister, Siaosi Sovaleni remains a genuine call.

Donations can be made to

Tonga Appeal with THSOBA Account number
