Hero photograph
Nick McIvor
Photo by TBHS

Rector's message - April

Nick McIvor —

‘Time and tide wait for no man’ according to the old proverb from Chaucer’s England. As far as Term 1 is concerned this has certainly been the case. We have moved through a rich array of activities in the last 10 weeks, with time marching on rapidly. 

The end of term provides a juncture; a moment to pause and take stock; a time to reflect on what has transpired. It is a perfect opportunity for every boy to consider ‘the term that was’ and to identify what has or hasn’t come into fruition as anticipated back in late January. To this end, some key questions were posed at the final assembly this week. Each boy was asked to decide if he was or wasn’t satisfied with how well it had all gone. Most could fairly answer in the affirmative. 

Ten weeks of new learning and achievement, training and competing, rehearsing and performing, and getting to know others more, has passed. It has been ten weeks to establish a basis for sustained growth, aware of course that the clock ticks on and sometimes with unforgiving cadence. So what should our boys be contemplating at this stage of the year as they reflect? Each and every one of them ought to check that they are:

  •  adding meaningfully to their ‘bank of knowledge’ and adopting new ways of thinking
  • increasing their confidence using numbers, symbols and words to the best effect
  • acquiring new practical skills that enable them to convert great ideas and designs into new objects and practical outcomes
  • supporting the progress of their mates and others in their class, team or performance group; realising that achievement is all the better if it has contributed to that of another
  • progressing their SMART goals in different subjects for deliberate improvement
  • winning or working to turn things around if losing
  • taking good advice from staff to inform their next step up
  • proud of themselves and the school and expressing this pride.

 While each boy was asked if he was satisfied with how far he has advanced, an equally pertinent question was offered: if he believed he should be satisfied with how far he has advanced. Our boys are making good inroads towards all-round achievement in 2015. 

We farewell Mrs Raewyn Westaway from the English Department and Year 9 deaning this term. Raewyn is moving to a new post at Rutherford College in Te Atatu, West Auckland. We wish her all the very best for this change. Raewyn will continue to be a superb and respected contributor to the education and wellbeing of many young people up there - as she has at Timaru Boys’ since 1996. 

Have a Happy Easter everyone. 

Scientia Potestas Est

Nick McIvor
