Irlen Screening
What is Irlen Syndrome or visual stress?
Irlen Syndrome (also referred to at times as Meares-Irlen Syndrome, Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome, and Visual Stress) is a perceptual processing disorder. It is not an optical problem. It is a problem with the brain’s ability to process visual information. This problem tends to run in families and is not currently identified by other standardized educational or medical tests.
Irlen Screening is available from age 6 ½ years up to adults.
Contact Sally McKerchar: qualified Irlen Screener
Email or Ph: (03)693 9101 / Mob: (027)222 4835
Symptoms of Irlen include:
- Sensitivity to bright and fluorescent lighting and glare
- Slow or inefficient reading
- Poor reading comprehension
- Poor attention and concentration
- Eye strain
- Fatigue
- Headaches and migraines
- Poor depth perception