Hero photograph
Photo by Rectors PA .

Junior Workday - Friday 13 November


On Friday 13 November 2015 Timaru Boys’ High School will hold its junior school WORK DAY. Junior students (Years 9 & 10) across the school will be seeking paid employment for the day. 

The very generous support in recent years has provided boys at the school with extra amenities and items of equipment. This has been greatly appreciated by the staff, students and Board.

Our aim in 2015 is to raise $10,000 for student facilities. The top project will be re-carving the entrance to the Whare as a Cultural Centre for the school and valued Tikanga and Te Reo learning space.

To those providing paid employment for the 2015 Work Day - this is very much appreciated. For your guidance the school has found that a common rate of payment for student work has ranged around $8-$10 per hour. This will vary according to the nature of the job and the age and strength of the boys. We feel the boys will gain useful work experience from this project.

Thank you for employing a Timaru Boys’ High School student enabling him to help his school in this way.

If you have work our boys could undertake, please contact us:

ph: 03 687 7560

email:  tbhs@timaruboys.school.nz