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Right Attitude - PB4L Focus


 "Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference" - Winston Churchill.   The PB4L focus for this term is 'Right Attitude'. 

At Timaru Boys' High School, developing a positive, optimistic and determined attitude is considered vital for success. We believe that maintaining a positive attitude is part of developing resilience and it enables students to embrace the challenges that they will inevitably face. 

The right attitude also means believing in yourself and your ability to learn; the belief that even if something seems difficult and challenging now, with hard work and persistence, it can be learnt. 

Having the 'Right Attitude' also extends to how our students conduct themselves in their everyday life. Do they wear their uniform with pride? Do they take responsibility for their own learning? Do they actively engage and participate in all of their classes? Do they show respect to those around them? 

All of these questions relate to our POWER values at Timaru Boys' High School, and they all start with having the right attitude. "A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It is a catalyst and it sparks extraordinary results" - Wade Boggs.  As with our focus on 'Respect' in Term One, our Peer Support leaders will be working with junior classes to discuss what having the right attitude means to them. This will be done during pastoral form times and will help to consolidate another of the key components of our PB4L system.