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Timaru Boys' High School


Welcome back to our International Students!

Gillian - November 21, 2022

2022 has seen the return of our International cohort here at Timaru Boys High!

We have had a number of new students arriving from different destinations around the world.

Term 3 saw a number of boys arriving and staying in both ‘Thomas House’ and out in the community in different homestays. All students arrived from Japan with Ittetsu and Taiyo arriving for a long term stay heading into 2023 and beyond! There was a return of the Ikubunkan Students this year, which saw us welcome Asahi, Takuya and Shota for 6 weeks.

Term 4 has been a little quieter in terms of students arriving, but we have lots of new boys arriving in term 1 of 2023. They are mainly coming to us from Japan, but we also have a student from Hong Kong and a Chinese student arriving!

How our domestic families can help…

Many families' circumstances have changed, which has meant they are now unable to host any further international students. This means we need new families to host our new international students! And this is where you may be able to help! :)

If you are able to host one of our incredible international students, please get in touch with Gillian -

Our International student community is once again growing and it is something to be excited about!