Hero photograph
Peer Support Camp Training Camp Year 13
Photo by Tony Bunting

Peer Support Leaders Training 2017


Once again, we saw 25 of our top young leaders within the school undertake their week of Peer Support Leadership training up at John Scott Lodge (situated in the Godley Valley) one week before school commenced.

We are proud of the strong Peer Support programme that takes place at Timaru Boys’ which sees Year 13 students mentoring the Year 9s within the school, taking them under their wings from their very first afternoon at school. The senior students continue to meet with their assigned class on a weekly basis, implementing some fun activities that encourage the building of strong relationships and a confidence in boys who are new to our school. These same leaders will come to know the members of their assigned classes well before Year 9 camps which commence at John Scott Lodge on 27 February.

Our thanks go to Mr Bunting, Mrs Martin and Mr Ross for their work with our young leaders.