Hero photograph
Oceans Grief and Loss
Photo by Anon

OCEANS Grief and Loss


OCEANS Grief and Loss is a peer support programme for children, teens, and adults who have experienced loss in their life.

The losses they work with usually come from the death of a significant person, or a personal experience of separation/divorce. 

The focus of this programme is providing a safe environment for participants to talk about their loss/es and the change/s that have occurred then look ahead to a preferred future living and coping with the loss/change. 

The group meets once a week for eight weeks in the children's programme and six weeks for the teen and adult's programme. 

Many people have gone through the programme with numerous success stories of how it has helped (Over 500 since Oceans started in 2006). 

To enrol in a grief and loss programme please visit the website: https://www.anglicancare.org.nz 

Or phone Matt on 0800 OCEANS or 027 4 OCEANS (ie. 623267) or e-mail oceans.timaru@gmail.com for more information.