TBHS Newsletter August 2022
10 August - Family Information Evening
14 August - Aoraki Trapshooting Competition
15 August - Aoraki Skiing Championship
24 August - Waitaki Boys' Exchange (home)
26 August - National Poetry Day
29 Aug- 2 Sep - Tournament week
Gavin Miller
See below for the main highlights
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Christina McBratney, Community Liaison Advisor
This article contains useful information for parents whose child is thinking about tertiary study.
Kerry Uren
This is an exciting destination race located in the heart of Tekapo, where you will can indulge in stunning lake and mountain views, relax and soak in local hot pools, play up the snowy mountains and be blown away by the serenity of the international dark sky zone.
Dave Thorp
Tēnā koutou. Since my last newsletter, winter has truly set in and it’s been wet and cold. I hope our farming families are kept safe from last year’s extremes
Kelvin Furze
Dawson are well in front, and Hogben nowhere to be seen.
This year’s exchange was held on Monday June the 13th in Christchurch in very cool winter conditions.
Amy Johnson
Would your child benefit from bespoke and nurturing learning sessions from a highly experienced teacher designed to accelerate learning and boost confidence? We would love to help. We are a team of dedicated teachers, specialising in English and Maths support, for primary, intermediate and college students. Visit www.boostyourlearning.co.nz for more information or contact Jenny 021 223 3349 to book a free consultation.
Grant McFarlane
Sexuality education is a key area of learning in The Health and Physical Education Curriculum.
Otago dominate annual exchange
Timaru Squash
2 Free getting started lessons!
Keri Whytock
Our Ball Committee is working hard to ensure this event is a success and they are giving up their time to make decorations and prepare for the event.
Come along to our information evening to find out more.
This year exchange was played in unusually balmy weather conditions in Dunedin on July the 5th.
Brigid Carkeek
See the attached poster if you are interested in attending a parent course.
Some rights reserved Timaru Boys' High School , 2024