March/April Newsletter 2023
16 May: Aoraki Cross Country Championships
17 May: Arts Extravaganza
17 May: Y11 Pathways Expo
30th May: OBHS Exchange (away)
2 June: Teacher only day
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Paul Dominikovich
Tom Allan showed great form smashing his previous Personal Best times!
Lizanne Van Heerden
held on Tuesday 28th March at the EA Networks Centre in Ashburton.
L Parcell
Gained an inside view of how a theatre is run.
Pl.Point Community
Cyclone Gabrielle Fundraiser
Rector Dave Thorp
March/April 2023
Timaru Boys' High School held their annual Anzac Commemorative service on Thursday 6th April
The 2023 School cross country was a complete rebrand on previous years.
Played on Monday 27th of March
Tuesday 21 March 2023
Parkside Playcentre
A parent led ECE centre where the parents stay and play alongside their tamariki.
Student Office
We NO longer use My Kindo for uniform sales.
a great effort from our Yr9 student Thomas Crawford
on Sunday 25th March, 2023
Last year, thanks to your generosity and support, we raised an astounding $220,000 for Youthline's Walk the Talk fundraiser, which provided much-needed assistance to young people in New Zealand during some of their toughest moments.
The YMCA will be taking the Year 9 and 10 Classes for the Mates and Dates Programme.
In today's Music Month Mentoring gathering Jed and Hera led the motivation to start song writing.
Megan Blake
The first TBHS Trapshooting practice of the year started Thursday 27 April in beautiful weather.
Well done Oscar for shooting at a National Level.
Call 0800 99 99 89 to support TBHS
Some rights reserved Timaru Boys' High School , 2024