Hands-On at Otago by TBHS

Hands-On at Otago

TBHSFebruary 18, 2016

On 17 January 2016 I attended 'Hands-On at Otago' giving me the opportunity to experience what studying at Otago University would be like.

 From accommodation to meals, I was really impressed with what was on offer. For the duration of the course, I was doing an Oceanography course which involved going out in the Polaris II and learning about ocean currents. We had to calculate the mass of water moving into the harbour when the tides changed while also measuring salinity, PH, temp, depth and chlorophyll in the water using high-tech instruments.

During this time I made plenty of new friends and also tried to get into routines similar to university students such as getting up early to go for a run. Some of my favourite parts of the course were doing a team lip-sync, a big social dancing party the final night, going to interesting lectures and just living like a university student would. I found 'Hands on at Otago' really helpful in giving me insight as to what lies ahead and what courses may interest me when I finish school, because we all had an opportunity to talk to the University Guidance Counsellor about our future career pathways. Overall, I definitely recommend this course to anyone who wants to learn more about studying at Otago University and if you are still unsure of what you want to do when you leave school, this course is for you.

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