Thomas House "In-weekend" by TBHS
TBHS — February 18, 2016
At the beginning of each year the new Year 9 Thomas House boarders remain in the hostel for a weekend of fun activities run by the senior Hostel Prefects.
We find this helps them get to know each other and the senior boys and staff. The boys are put into teams with two senior students assigned to each group. They are each given a toy soldier that they have to keep with them all weekend and when a call goes out they have to strike the pose of their soldier. The last person to do this has to wear a pink wig wherever he goes.
This year we started on Saturday morning with an Amazing Race over town. With the boys on their bikes the first stop after leaving the hostel was the shooting range at school then on to the bike jumps at the Scenic Reserve. Next they went up to the SBS Centre and participated in an egg throwing competition. The confidence course at Orbell Street was a great challenge and then it was off to the beach for a barbecue lunch and games of volleyball, cricket, bike races and paddle boarding. Upon their return to Thomas House, it was movies and pizza for the rest of the evening. Sunday morning saw the boys all tie dye t-shirts, have brunch and then went to C-Bay for a swim and hydroslide. This was a great weekend with sincere thanks going to Cameron Gibb (Head Housemaster).