TBHS India Trip 2016 by TBHS

TBHS India Trip

TBHSFebruary 18, 2016

Earlier last year, Timaru Boys’ was fortunate enough to be invited to spend a week at St Mark’s Senior Secondary School in Delhi India.

Students expressed an interest in going and four were randomly drawn. The four students were Campbell Brown, Jack Deeley, Oliver Prisk and Jack Winsley. 

Despite arriving in Delhi at 2:00am, we were taken to the school where a very warm welcome awaited us. The host families were waiting for us with signs and flowers.

Joining us for the week were also four students from Denmark and four from France. During the week at the school the students took part in workshops in cooking, dance, art and music, played ‘friendly’ games of soccer and basketball. We were also treated to some of the local tourist attractions. On the final day there was a formal cultural performance where every school performed in front of the school as well as invited guests from the various embassies. Our boys completely stole the show. They represented New Zealand, Timaru Boys’ High School and their families with a great deal of pride and mana.

At the conclusion of the week, the French contingent joined us for a four day trip to Agra and Jaipur with the highlight being the Taj Mahal, but other highlights included riding an elephant, visiting various forts and the discovery of a new ‘sport’ haggling while shopping!

The boys gained a greater appreciation of another culture, but also an appreciation of what they have here in New Zealand. This was certainly a trip of a lifetime, but hopefully only one of many!

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