June 2018 Newsletter

In this issue

12-15 June - "Into the Woods" combined production
14 June - Mental Fitness speaker - Craighead Auditorium
19 June - Author Kate De Goldi visiting
20 June - OBHS Exchange (home)
21 June - Junior Social (Hogben Hall)
21-22 June - Year 13 History trip to Wellington
27 June - Aoraki Junior Basketball
27-28 June - ODT spelling quiz
29 June - Teacher Only Day
3 July - Year 12 Emerging Leaders Day - Christ's College
6 July - End of Term 2
6-8 July - SISS Swimming
7-8 July - SI Road Cycling
23 July - Term 3 commences
25 July - NCEA Review - public meeting
31 July - John McGlashan Exchange (away)
7 August - Aoraki Badminton
8 August - Aoraki Maths Competition
20-24 August - School Exams
27 August - Thomas House Ski trip
