September 2015 Newsletter
Nick McIvor
Moving through the midpoint of this term two big events have passed: the Ball and Waitaki Exchange. Each event has, in its own right, been a ‘celebration of youth’.
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The Thomas House Development Committee is in the early stages of planning a major redevelopment of our boys’ hostel accommodation.
In Agricultural Science classes we aim to give the students as many “hands on” real life experiences as possible.
A very successful Music tour of Primary Schools was held on 12-13 August.
Senior students are soaring to new heights in their Aviation course.
The Timaru Boys' High School Year 9 team took out top honours at the Aoraki Mathematics Competition.
An enjoyable morning was had by the top two Year 9 students from each form class who had the highest POWER score over the past three terms.
The combined Timaru Boys' and Timaru Girls' High School production of "High School Musical" was a resounding success with a near full-house on closing night.
The Year 12 Outdoor Education class headed to Mt Dobson in September for the Alpine practical component of their course.
Timaru Boys' High School has emerged victorious to win the Lincoln Quiz.
Timaru Boys' High School PTA Gala and Fireworks - Friday 30 October - Gates open 6:00pm – 9:45pm
The Arts were celebrated at Timaru Boys’ High School recently with Arts Week giving boys the opportunity to take part in a wide variety of activities.
We said '"au revoir" to our seven French exchange students recently.
A group of Timaru Boys' Year 10 Agriculture students enjoyed competing at the Aoraki Polytechnic Agriculture Day recently.
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