Young Farmers' Group Update
The Young Farmers' is a group of students with interests in the primary industries who have a focus on making connections in these industries and growing leadership skills.
Young Farmers' is a great way to develop leadership skills as leadership positions are open to students of any year level. The group is completely student-led, so they organise all of the guest speakers, events and fundraising which involves going out into the community, or getting on the phone and making connections with people. Being in the Young Farmers' or, 'Teen Ag' as it is referred to within the wider Young Farmers' organisation also opens up opportunities to scholarships and further leadership when leaving school. You do not have to be "off a farm" to be a part of Young Farmers, but simply have interest in and enthusiasm for the primary industries. The group have heard from and visited a very wide range of primary industries, from fisheries to alpacas as well as people working within the cropping, sheep, beef and dairy industries.
The girls fundraise throughout the year through sponsorships from local businesses and this year a successful sausage sizzle. The fundraising is used for trips and general expenses as well as purchasing merchandise so that the group can be recognised when out and about. The group fund all of their costs and merchandise through their sponsors and fundraising, so it is free for students to be a part of. The group is completely open to any Year 9-13 students and they welcome new members, you can show up to any meeting or event which is promoted in the notices.
This term their leaders have organised some guest speakers and have a few more things in the pipeline for the rest of the year. In Week 1, the group heard from two women who work for Ravensdown in South Canterbury, Hannah and Phoebe. In Week 2, Herb Ross spoke to the girls about his experience as a wool classer and gave the girls an insight into the wool and shearing industry. It was interesting to hear his experience of how the wool industry has changed over his career and the girls were also able to feel a range of different types and classes of wool themselves.
If you would like to join Young Farmers' please look out in the notices for meetings and events or see the chairperson, Poppy Miles or Miss Guilford.