Careers Department News

Jo Shaw —

Term 3 is a busy one for students, whether it’s selecting school subjects for next year, applying for tertiary courses or looking into employment opportunities.

Course Selection Evening

UPDATE: we will make a decision regarding this event when we know what Covid Alert Level we will be in.

This is taking place on Thursday 9th September from 5 - 7pm. We encourage all Year 10-12 students to bring their whanau along and find out more information about the different subject options available at school, as well as talk to a number of tertiary and industry providers who will be present.

There are some useful resources on our Careers Website which may help you choose your subjects for next year too:

Tertiary Scholarships

There are still some scholarships open and I do encourage Year 13 students to apply for these if they fit the criteria. Keep an eye on the following spreadsheet as we are regularly updating it when new scholarships come in: Scholarships

Tertiary Hall of Residence Applications

These are now open and I would advise students to submit their applications by the end of August if possible. Information can be found online including lots of photos and video clips, which are very helpful if you haven’t been able to physically visit the Halls.

Ara 2022 Dual Enrolment - Online Info Evening

Did you know that Ara (our local Polytech) offers Year 12 & 13 students the chance to study with them one day per week while attending school for the remaining four days??? The 2022 courses haven't been confirmed yet but they are likely to include: Automotive, Carpentry, Cookery, Hairdressing & Beauty Therapy. Students complete a mixture of practical & theory tasks while working towards approximately 25 - 30 credits throughout the year. 

If you are keen to find out more Ara is now holding an Online Whanau Information Evening next Tuedsay 2nd September at 5.30pm. You just need to register using the link below:

Useful Resources

Booking Appointments

If you would like to book an appointment with me visit

Upcoming Events

Please note some of the events below may be cancelled or changed to online events depending on Covid Alert Levels.

  • Ara 2022 Dual Enrolment Whanau Info Evening - Thursday 2nd September, 5:30pm - Online

  • UC Open Day - Thur 9th September - Christchurch

  • Lincoln University Course Planning Visit - Thur 9th September, 1pm

  • TGHS Course Selection Evening (Y10 - 12) - Thur 9th September - POSTPONED - Date TBC

  • Otago University Course planning Visit - Fri 10th September, 8:30am

  • Ara Junior Sector Day - Thur 16th September, 9am - 2:30pm - Ara Timaru

As always, please contact me if I can help in any way by emailing

Jo Shaw

Careers Adviser