Young Farmers Fencing Skills Afternoon
The Young Farmers girls had a fencing skills afternoon on Thursday 26th September, hosted by Dan Douglass Fencing.
The girls built a strainer and stay, with a short five-wire fence, and hung a gate. This was with the help of Dan and his worker Harry, being able to show them how to hit in posts in a safe manner and get them straight. They were able to learn about the fencing materials needed for electric fencing and how to install them. They tied termination knots and installed egg insulators and triplex strainers. The girls learnt how to hang a gate properly so that it swings nicely. There was also a bit of theory involved, where they had to label fencing items, some of which they hadn't seen before.
The girls were also lucky to receive their rugby jerseys for this event, all thanks to their awesome sponsors. Thank you to these sponsors for supporting the club:
Austin Farming
Irricon Resource Solutions
Dan Douglass Fencing
A.L. Mehrtens contracting
Newhaven Perendales
Michael Jones Contracting