Hero photograph
Photo by unknown



Do you have a couple of hours to spare once in a while?

Would you like to support your daughter’s school community?

Prefer not to commit to attending meetings?

You may be just who the TGHS PTA is looking for. We are hoping to build a database of people who would be willing to be an extra pair of hands at PTA events. It might mean cooking a few sausages at a bbq, selling raffle tickets at a guest speaker evening or making cups of tea during Open Day.

It is a way of supporting your school community without the commitment to regular meetings and input. We will simply add your name to the “Friends of the PTA “ list and then give you a call when we need volunteers to gauge your availability. 

If you are interested please email dwaldron@timarugirls.school.nz with your name and phone number.

Check out this awesome video - https://youtu.be/_WN8OwNcQmc