Hero photograph
Netball 2021 the 9 White team
Photo by TGHS

The 2021 Netball season is underway!

Emma Hough TIC —

Our 2021 netball season has started well with 12 school teams registered in our local competition!

Our Senior A team retained their spot in the Premier Plate grade and continue their campaign in the Wednesday night competition. The rest of our TGHS teams started off with two grading games to determine their grades before the Saturday competition commenced. We have an amazing number of girls who have volunteered to be umpires this season, which is pleasing to see. This year, Netball South Canterbury is developing our young umpires through Saturday morning training sessions and umpire coaches.

Each player will be given a toilet paper fundraising sheet this week. All players are expected to help with fundraising as the proceeds from this will go towards keeping our netball fees down for next year. All information is on the sheet. Players who sell at least four packs of toilet paper will receive a free TGHS netball training top.

A gentle reminder that parents on the sideline need to be modelling positive behaviour for our girls. This means that no one should be questioning the score or talking to/about the umpires. Please remember that these umpires are volunteering their own time and doing the best they can. The official score is taken on the score card. One parent/spectator from each team needs to stand together in the middle of the sideline to ensure the score is taken correctly.

Our coaches and managers this year are comprised of senior students, parents, teachers and “old” girls of our school. Thank you to all you who have volunteered your time this season. Providing netball as a sport for our girls would not be possible without your help!