TGHS Careers Department
Jo Shaw - February 22, 2023
A reminder that our Careers team consists of Mrs Jo Shaw ( Careers Adviser) and Mrs Kay Kelliher (Careers/Gateway Coordinator) who are located in the “Whare Whakamanawa” (Guidance Hub) which is behind the Library.
We are available to help students with a range of things including:
Careers Guidance
CV’s & Job applications
Interview Preparation
Tertiary & Scholarship applications
Gateway Programme
Work Experience
STAR courses
Ara Dual Enrolment courses
You can book appointments through or by emailing
University & Polytechnic Visits
The University & Polytechnic Liaison Officers are all booked to visit this term, so please come along to find out more information about the courses on offer. Listen to the notices or check out the Career Central Events Calendar for more information. These dates are also on the noticeboard in the Year 13 Comm.
TGHS Careers Website
We will continue updating the website with information about Careers news, events, jobs and other useful resources. Check it out here:
Career Central
Every student has access to Career Central (, through their School Google account. The BullsEye Quiz is a great place to start, especially for those who are unsure of what direction they would like to head in the future. Also, check out the Events Calendar for more information on some exciting opportunities coming up this year.
Upcoming Events
UC Liaison Visit - Tue 28th February 12.35pm in Library
NZ Defence Force Drills session - Tue 28th February 12.35pm
"Your Education" High School Exchange Programme Wednesday 8th March 1pm Library
Otago Polytech/ Te Pukenga Liaison Visit - Friday 10th March 12.35pm Library
Victoria University Liaison Visit - Friday 10th March 12.35pm Library
Ara/ Te Pukenga Liaison Visit - Monday 20th March 12.35 Library
Lincoln University Liaison Visit - Tuesday 21 March 12.35 Library
Otago University Liaison visit - Friday 31 March 12.35 Library