Quadrangular Tournament 2020
The annual Quadrangular exchange played between Christchurch Girls' High School, Waitaki Girls' High School, Avonside Girls' High School, and Timaru Girls' High School was this year hosted by Waitaki Girls' High School, in Timaru.
For the majority of the schools this was the first event back on the school sporting calendar after lock-down and everyone was excited to be back on the courts and fields battling it out for their school.
Timaru Girls' 1st Eleven Hockey Team, Basketball A-team, and the Netball A-team were representing our school.
The 1st Eleven Hockey team had wins against Waitaki Girls' before going down to Avonside Girls' and the eventual winners of the hockey Christchurch Girls'. Waitaki Girls' did Timaru Girls' a favor by beating Avonside Girls' in the afternoon and the calculators were brought out to determine final placings with Timaru Girls' finishing in second place on goal difference.
Our netball girls found the going tough coming up against some classy opposition but battled hard and grew with confidence as the tournament went on. The girls had a narrow loss to Avonside Girls' in the first game of the day and two more losses against Christchurch Girls' and Waitaki Girls'.
The Senior Basketball team played superbly all day beating Waitaki Girls', Avonside Girls' in a nail biter before going down to Christchurch Girls' in the final game of the day after leading for the majority of the match.
With all results tallied up from games played over the day Timaru Girls' High School finished in second place behind Christchurch Girls' High School. Superb effort!
A huge thanks must go to our coaches/managers, community umpires/referees and TGHS staff for their efforts on the day
Janelle Amalfitano
Sports Director
Timaru Girls High School