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Timaru Girls’ High School

NEWSLETTER Term 1 2019, Issue 2

12 April - 28 April School Holidays

29 April - Term 2 Starts, WINTER UNIFORM

30 April - YR13 Red Cross Training

1 May - 3 May - Yr12/13 History Trip

3 May - Yr13 Chemistry Trip

6 May - Otago Uni Open Day

14 May - Yr13 Red Cross First Aid training


16 May - TGHS Cross Country

17 May - Yr11 History Day Trip

20 May - 21 May - Barista Course

23 May - Aoraki Cross Country

27 May - Waitaki Winter Exchange

28 May - 31 May TGHS/TBHS School Production

28 May- Otago Uni visit 1pm

30 May - ARA Design Course


4 June - Senior Academic Conferencing, No School for Juniors

12 June - The Big Sing

21 June - Aoraki Girls Football

27 June - Junior Reporting Evening

10 July - Y9 Options, Semester 2

5 July - TGHS School Ball


Deb Hales Principal

Principal's Message - Deb Hales

by Deb Hales

I feel honoured to be addressing you, our school community, as the newly appointed Principal of Timaru Girls’ High School.

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TGHS Open Day 2019

TGHS Open Day

by Clarity Consulting - Mary Strachan

The Timaru Girls High School Open day, which we hold each year, is an opportunity for us to showcase our gorgeous school, grounds and hostel along with the amazing girls and teachers who make our school so special.

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Fantastic NCEA results in 2018


by Debbie Waldron

TGHS had fantastic NCEA results in 2018!!

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Winter or Summer Uniform


by Debbie Waldron

When term 2 starts back on the 29 April, ALL students are to be wearing their Winter uniform.

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Tillie Hollyer


by Janelle Amalfitano

Congratulations to Tillie Hollyer

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Rowers 2019

Rowing 2019

by Janelle Amalfitano

Fantastic results for the TGHS Rowers

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Georgia and Hannah Prosser

Champion Triathlete Sisters

by Janelle Amalfitano

Fantastic effort by Georgia and Hannah Prosser

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Hostel Update April 2019

by Cate Laurenson

It's been a very busy term in The House, with so many girls off site straight after school for sport or cultural activities.

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TGHS Touch Team 2019 

The Senior A Touch Rugby Team

by Janelle Amalfitano

11th place at the SS Touch Rugby Tournament

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Shaydah and Asharana Lang

Ash and Shaydah Lang

by Sharyn Harrison

Ash and Shaydah competed in the Special Olympics for Athletics

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Thursday 16 May 2019, 7pm

by Stephanie Horne


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by TGHS Sports

Just a reminder that sports fees need to be paid Urgently.

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Yr 10 Materials Technology

Y10 Materials Technology

by Tracey Lissington

Year 10 girls have made these dresses as a voluntary project for a remote village in Fiji.

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Young Farmers

2019 Young Farmers

by Georgia Guilford

Visiting Alvin Reid's Dairy farm near Pleasant Point

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Sarah Armstrong in a special Dr Seuss themed corner in our Library

Library Update

by Pip Black

Dr Seuss reminds us what a bright and positive place the world can be.

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Abbey Williams, Sophie Flett, Brie Wright and Joselyn Shukul


by Joselyn Shukul

On the 13th of March, 4 girls went to Christchurch to represent Timaru Girls’ High in the Youth Vision Conference 2019.

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Out for a Walk on a beautiful Autumn Day

Happenings in the Teen Parent Study Group

by Kay Kelliher

We have had another busy yet productive term in the Teen Parent Study Group.

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Danielle Akurangi, Pio Terei and Ramari Reweti

Pio Terei - Parenting Teenagers

by Simone King

Pio Terei came to Timaru Girls’ High School on the 14th March to speak with our parents and caregivers about positive parenting and raising teenagers.

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Deb Hales with the Senior Students


by Debbie Waldron

On the 22 March we joined the country by coming together to reflect on the events that happened at the Christchurch's Mosques

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Year 10 Outdoor Education Class

Year 10 Outdoor Education Class

by Kate Poulter and Gemma Davidson

On Wednesday the 27th of February our Outdoor Ed class went to The Pareora Dam River for a tubing trip.

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Madison Arnold and Isabella Spencer

International Women's Day Breakfast

by Madison Arnold and Isabella Spencer

On Friday the 7 March Madison Arnold and Isabella Spencer went to a breakfast put on by Zonta

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by Tamara Hogg

These young women were in the SCDL Juniors production of Cinderella, on stage at the Theatre Royal Timaru.

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TGHS 2019 Student Council

TGHS Student Council

by Student Council

It is a valued tradition at Girls' High that each form class elects a student to be their representative on the Student Council.

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Board of Trustees Triennial Election

by Debbie Waldron

Make a difference! Ki Te Whakapiki!

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Rural Support Trust Breakfast workshop in Timaru

Rural Support Trust present a FREE Workshop

by Debbie Waldron

The South Canterbury Rural Support Trust are lucky to have Lance Burdett presenting 2 workshops in our area. Lance has been described as "the most qualified and highly skilled negotiator within NZ Police."

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Teen Mana - Creating Resilience

When: April 14 – 17 workshops for teens Parents information evening April 17 Venue: TBC

by Debbie Waldron

For more information, enquiries or bookings please contact Stacey via email at or by phone on 02102488035. Please not spaces are very limited.

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