TGHS Sport by TGHS Sports

TGHS Sports Update

Sports Co-ordinatorMay 21, 2020

We know a majority of our students will be looking forward to returning to sport over the coming months!

Behind the scenes there has been a lot of information to digest from a range of sporting organisations both nationally and locally. We are working closely with our local sports associations, RSTs (Regional Sporting Trust) and New Zealand Secondary School Sport. We are following their guidance for a safe return to sport in our community.

All major sporting codes are following similar guidelines which are included further down. As a school we are also working through our requirements around hygiene, contact tracing, etc, before we allow any of our teams from TGHS to be training. We have implemented a two-week 'no practice' window for our school teams to allow us time to work through the above requirements.

As a school we are in a favoured position, as the majority of our sports had completed their trials with teams named. We will be holding meetings with these teams over the next week to check that students are still wishing to play their chosen sport/s this season, if and when we can get started. Once our processes are in place we will be meeting again with our students to ensure they understand what they are required to do by the way of contact tracing and hygiene, etc, when sport practices and games can resume. This will differ with sports practising at various locations and facilities.

We are still awaiting how fees will be structured from our local sports associations and expect there will be reductions in fees if competitions are shortened.

We encourage our students to keep up their fitness and ball/stick skills over the next few weeks in their own environments, so they are ready to go when we can move into the next phase.

If you have any queries/concerns, please feel free to email me at the below email address.

Janelle Amalfitano

Get Ready to Train – Systems & Process Development

This is the time for sporting organisations to prepare and ensure all the governmental health and safety measures and contact tracing protocols are in place prior to the opening of any facilities. This will take time and ensuring that all facilities are safe for training is a priority.

Prepare to Play – Training
Associations will only be able to move into the Prepare to Play phase once all health and safety and contact tracing measures have been put in place. This will not be earlier than 14 May.

This phase is essential for our community as it will allow our participants to get back into the sport without rushing into a competition. During this phase, the needs of participants are a priority, ensuring they have a chance to prepare for competition, and therefore reducing the risk of future injury.

It also allows our associations the opportunity to implement all necessary procedures for sport to happen safely. It is unlikely all sports will commence at the same time across the country. The current rules around the mass gathering restrictions of no more than 10 must be adhered to during this phase.

Return to Play – Competition
When government restrictions allow, this phase will see the return of competitive sport, which is currently unknown.

Competitive sport is likely to start at different times across the country depending on complexity and preparedness. Additionally, different forms of sport, ie, senior and secondary may have staggered starts to ensure a smooth and quality experience is provided. Having a graduated return to play will be important to minimise the risk of injury.

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