TPS Father's Day (but not on Father's day) Pipeline Walk - Sunday 8th September
Titirangi Primary School would like to extend an invitation to the ‘Fathers Day Pipeline Walk’ on Sunday 8th September (Wk 7, Term 3). We understand it is a week later after the actual fathers day on the 1st September.
This event is open to all interested students, whanau and their fathers, or other significant male role model in their lives. We will have some current staff from TPS attending as well as an ex-staff member who was a stalwart for over two decades in our Titirangi Community.
This walk will be organised by Mr Ramji. Everyone who is taking part can park their cars on - Boylan Road, Rimutaka Place, Hollywood Ave or Grovelands Way. We will meet at Waima Reserve @ 3pm for a karakia, briefing about the walk and then we shall depart to the pipeline track. Please arrive @ 2.50pm - use the bathrooms before the walk etc. The walk should take 1.5 hours return trip (4.25km) as we will not be walking the complete pipeline but to the Shaw Road entrance and back to Waima Reserve.
The walk will go ahead in light showers, so bring a raincoat and proper footwear. No kids to be walking in bare feet, crocs or slides, please.