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Titirangi’s Primary Schools Diwali - Festival of Lights

Office Admin Titirangi School —

Information and Help Needed.

On Thursday 31st October - Saturday 2nd November is Diwali, also known as the Festival of Lights. It is celebrated in all parts of Aotearoa and the events are held on different dates.

Our school will be celebrating it next week, because in Week 3 is Labour day, our teacher-only day and Inter School football on Wednesday and Thursday of that week. 

Titirangi School will be celebrating Diwali and the Indian New Year. Some rooms will be taking part in their own class activities and our school will offer lunchtime activities throughout the week as well as a Diwali Assembly - Friday 25th October. Your child can dress in any cultural attire. 

What will Diwali look like at TPS?

They have the opportunity to be involved in rangoli art, craft, henna and learning about the Festival . If you do not want your child to have henna (mehndi) please let your child's teacher know via email otherwise we will assume it is okay. 

Help needed: If you can come in on Wednesday 23rd October to help with Henna between 12.30 pm and 1.15 pm please let Priya Rao know via email
