Titirangi School Newsletter: 8 February 2024
Office Admin Titirangi School
The Tuesday following Easter Monday is a school holiday (but not a statutory holiday)
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Andrea Thomas
Each year we ask for a parent (or two) to step forward for the role of Class Parent. They take on the responsibility of building relationships of the whānau in each class.
What a fantastic summer, But it is HOT out there!
Thursdays during term time - suitable for children aged 6-10 years. Cost is $150 for 10 sessions over the term. Start date 8th February or Thursday 15th February. Contact Lisasparey@gmail.com for more information.
We are so glad to see everyone back here at school - smiling and hopefully relaxed after their summer break. We are really excited about our plans and all of the new learning that will be happening here at TPS.
We would like to welcome our two new staff members to the Titirangi School whānau.
Available at TPS for Term 1 - Our extra-curricular groups are open and taking enrolments for Term 1.
Titirangi School Office
Friday lunch orders this term 👍
Please ensure your child has their Back to School Stationery.
Titirangi School uses sKids for before and after school care. They are located in the school hall.
Here are the start dates, term dates and Teacher Only Days for 2024. (Teacher Only Days - 1 confirmed, 2 more to be confirmed).
Keep your eye on this section during the term as events are added, times may change, current at the time of publishing this newsletter.
Mike Chatfield
Camp is coming up quick - look at these links to make sure you have filled in the COMPULSORY forms and checked the Equipment List.
If you need to collect your children during the day, please come to the office first.
Some rights reserved Titirangi Primary School , 2024