Hero video
School Song in Iso
Video by MissWatts100

Music Squad School Song

Georgie Watts —

Music Squad - 13WA - have missed playing and singing in assembly and created a isolation recording.

We've all seen the videos online of groups of people singing and playing together. Music Squad, and guests, were keen to give the school a rendition of the school song showing that although they were apart, we can still be united.

It's a lot harder than it looks to make these videos! Each singer and musician had to be exactly in time with a backing track (through the headphones). We were all mostly relying on the audio quality of our computers' microphones too. Each video/audio recording was then wrangled by one of our Arts Prefects, Sam Meikle, who managed to paste it all together.

Bonus points went out to the extra bubble members who got involved with this mission!