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Year 10 Economics Field Trip

Jill Armstrong —

The class ventured into the CBD in their flatting groups for lunch and a spot of window shopping for final flat items. This is what they said …

1.   We viewed Farmers and a few two-dollar shops to see what we could get for the lowest price. We enjoyed the freedom we had going around town.

2.   We are really enjoying learning about the process of getting a flat, and it is interesting to find out about the prices in different areas. It's really good for us to be looking at this sort of thing, as it is important for us to understand it in the future. We think it is a good way to prepare us for when we are older and leave home.

3.   Some of the things we enjoyed when we went into town was looking around the shops. We went to Bed Bath & Table to look at bedding and some of their decorations so that we could make our rooms look super fun. We also had lunch. We went to the supermarket to find the prices of some food and we had a wee look at some clothes shops to fill up our wardrobes. We looked at the warehouse online for cutlery and kitchen stuff. We really liked working in our group as it was nice to get other people's opinions.

4.   We spent most of our time in Smith's City and found heaps of items that we had been looking at. It was great having lunch together as a flat group talking about a good plan for our flat!!!

5.   We have all enjoyed being able to spend time with friends planning for our futures together. It is also good to know about day-to-day life in the economy.