Pesamino Tili — Mar 15, 2023

The Y13 students had a lovely time away recognising the importance of stillness in their lives.

It rained most of the time but it didn't dampen our spirits. Using our school motto "Hei ākonga mā te Karaiti" (As disciples of Christ) we had our knowledgeable staff members run four workshops.

Miss Bresanello ran a workshop on student leadership where students were challenged to look beyond themselves and be reminded to not leave anyone behind.

Mr Sutherland reminded students about Accompaniment and gave tips on how we support the care for one another in this journey of life.

Fr Hook gave a workshop on "As disciples, being light in this world" challenging students to make internal spiritual change through the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Ross MacKinnon delivered a workshop on self-care, using examples from the Bible. A message that everyone could relate to.

Many thanks to all the wonderful staff and students who made this Retreat a wonderful experience.