Staff — Nov 10, 2021

Please see below for a full list of scholarship recipients from the tertiary institutions

Otago Polytechnic Art School Scholarship: - Ezra Eady

University of Otago Business School Scholarship: $1,000 and Massey University Business School Scholarship - Hayley Anderson, Amy Hook, Te Kahui Mariu-Boreham, Mitchell Stewart

Victoria University Te Herenga Waka Excellence Scholarship: $5,000 - Katrina Pelvin

University of Canterbury Engineering International Scholarship: $15,000 - Chintip Charoenchaturong

University of Otago New Frontiers Scholarship: $5,000 - Jessica Abernethy, Hayley Anderson, Liam Gould, Oliver King, Riley Mortimer, Charli White, Hailey Xavier

University of Otago 150th Entrance Scholarship: $6,000 - Bailey Martin

University of Otago Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship: between $5,000 and $15,000 over two years - Meg Christophers, Enrique Garcia-Martin, Kate Kelly

University of Otago Vice-Chancellor's Scholarship: between $5,000 and $15,000 over two years - Jago Armstrong, Lexie Tomlinson, Katie Wink

University of Otago Alumni Appeal Scholarship: $6,000 - Ella Munro

University of Otago Vice-Chancellor's Scholarship for International Students: $10,000 - Ho Wang (Cyrus) Yam

University of Otago Pasifika Peoples Entrance Scholarship: $13,000 - Adi Garnett, Anna Peyroux

University of Otago Māori Entrance Scholarship: $13,000 - Dominic Barlow, Jakira Brophy, Siobhan Stevenson, Greta Wallace

University of Otago Performance Scholarship: $16,000 - Annabelle Ring

Otago Polytechnic Pacific Island Scholarship: three year’s fees - Keisha Su’a

Otago Polytechnic School Principal's Scholarship: $1,500 - Jack Harris

Massey University Academy of Sport Scholarship, Otago Tertiary Mana Pounamu Scholarship, University of Otago Performance Scholarship, Prime Minister's High Performance Scholarship:  totalling $50,000 - Erika Fairweather

University of Otago Academic Excellence Scholarship: $30,000 - Tobias Devereux