Hero photograph
Photo by Michael MacKenzie

Kavanagh numbers great for Caversham Harriers Relay

Michael MacKenzie —

On Thursday 26 May four Kavanagh College teams headed out to Kings High School to compete in the Caversham Harriers relay.

Two junior boys teams consisting of Oscar Ung, Wills Harrington, Van Porter and Luca Phillips finished 6th in a time of 27:46.0. Our other junior boys team was made up of Tomas Lahood, Harry Lodge, Joseph Kelly and Alex Roulston and they finshed 8th in a time 29:44 .3. 

The junior mixed team comprised of Sam Bingley, Cameron Adnitt, Angie Quinn and Brooke Cathro ran a time of 31:16 .5. 

The senior boys finished a very credible third place in a time of 25:15 and was made up of Oliver Lodge, Jeremy Meikle, Joseph Brennan and Ara Jolly. 

This was the biggest ever team I have taken to this event which is great. Well done everyone.