School Trustee Elections
This year is school trustee elections. Kavanagh will be holding the election in September, therefore nominations will be called for in August.
Trustees on a school board of trustees work together to make sure every student reaches their highest possible standard in educational achievement.
As part of that key responsibility, here are some of the things boards do:
• Work with the principal and consult with staff, students and the community
• Set the educational goals and strategic direction of the school
• Monitor progress and let parents know how the school is progressing against its annual targets and how well students are achieving
• Decide how the school's funding will be spent
• Support the school's principal and support the development of all staff
• Oversee the management of staff, property, finances, curriculum and administration
If you are considering standing and would like information about how the College board works then you could talk to any current board member. You can find their details here.