Hero photograph
Photo by Tim Lucas


Tim Lucas —

What do prone holds, phantom chairs and back flips have in common? Read on...

Keeping our students moving everyday during the lockdown has been one of the main objectives of our college's Health & Physical Education department. Exercise plays an important role in maintaining our well-being, especially our mental health.

One of the tasks our students were encouraged to complete was a 19-minute home workout challenge. The challenge had three parts - the warm up, main activity and the warm down. Each component had to be timed and students had to incorporate a mixture of inside and outside exercises using items found in and around the house. Each PE lesson would feature two different workouts from students that were posted on the class' Google Classroom page for the class to try. 

Here are a few examples:

5-minute YouTube Tai Chi warm-up - Josef T, 10DR

Go for a walk on the farm - Grace S-M, 10DR 

 x 30 triceps dips using the couch or a chair - Jayden S, 8CAM

2-minute phantom chair (wall sit), then repeat! - Lewis G-B, 8CAM

Star jumps (as many as you can for 60 seconds) - Maddy M, 7OCS

x 50 burpees - Brooke D, 10DR

x 10 back flips and x 10 forwards flips on the tramp - Ayden T, 7OCS

Prone hold for 5 minutes - Sonny H, 7OCS

x 25 down-ups - Sophie B, 8CAM

3-minute stretch, glass of water and a pat on the back! - Riley M, 7OCS

A big thank you to our contributing students and to the amazing work that has been done by our teaching staff during lockdown. 

Lastly, I would like to say a big thank you Les Mills and the Body Move teams for their free and fantastic online workouts!