Another successful formal!
The Year 12 and 13 formal was held on Friday 26 August at the Otago Museum.
It began at 7:30 pm and included a two-course meal, lots of photos and dancing of course. It finished at 11 pm and many chose to go onto the supervised after party which finished at 2 am.
This year, we ran some pre-formal activities for our senior students, in particular our Year 12 students. One of these activities included a workshop run by Kim Gotlieb from Mirror HQ and involved Steve Jones from the NZ Police who is responsible for liquor licensing. It was an enlightening experience and the students learned how many standard drinks are in common alcoholic drinks.
Thanks go to the social committee led by social prefect Lucy Hopkins and mentored by Jean Allibone. A lot of work went into the planning of this event. Thanks also to Erica Ward for her help and running around and we are very grateful for the parents who supervised the after-party. Our students are lovely young people and there were no incidents, but none of this could have gone ahead without the support that these parents gave, and their good humour to put up with loud noises and dancing until 2 am.