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NZQA Update regarding updated NCEA examination timetable

Jill Armstrong —

Seniors have been advised to check the updated NCEA examination timetable changes and may apply to NZQA for a pre-approval for a derived grade where the changes have resulted in a conflict with an existing commitment.

The pre-approval process for a derived grade must be completed by 31 August 2020. Some examples of commitments and possible evidence to show it was made prior to 13 May 2020: 

Image by: Jill Armstrong

Link to updated NCEA examination timetable: https://www.nzqa.govt.nz/ncea/ncea-exams-and-portfolios/external/national-secondaryexaminations-timetable/ 

Please contact me asap if your child requires a pre-approval application for a derived grade. 

Jill Armstrong -  jarmstrong@kavanagh.school.nz