Hero photograph
8HAI OTaiko
Photo by Georgie Watts

Music in Place and Space for Year 7 and 8

Georgie Watts —

The last few weeks have seen Year 7 and 8 Music classes exploring how music is used in different places and spaces.

7WLF, 7OST, 8CAM and 8HAI were all lucky enough this week to have a visit from OTaiko, the University's affiliated Taiko drumming group.

The tutors, Prof. Henry Johnson, Balazs Kiglics, Katie Graham, Grace Cope, Sabrina Goh, and Lydia Leurquin, delivered four workshops on Monday and Tuesday, showing our students how to play the drums, and explaining about the drums and their origins.

This follows on from our Year 7 classes having a go at Samba drumming in class, and visiting the Cathedral to sing in Latin.