Pesamino Tili — Aug 10, 2022

On Monday 8th August, the Year Sevens came dressed in back and white and all members of Gabriel and Pompallier House came in their house colours to honour St Dominic, the Dominican Sisters (who were one of the founding orders of our College) and Bishop Jean Baptiste Pompallier our first Bishop of New Zealand.

The morning started with a liturgy led by Gabriel and Pompallier house leaders then at morning tea they worked hard to feed their house members with a free sausage sizzle.

Students brought a gold coin donation to the Liturgy for an overseas Dominican Mission.

A video featuring our School Chaplain Fr Hook mentioned how St Dominic's whole focus was on Jesus Christ which connected with Bishop Pompallier who was a Marist. Marists are religious people who follow Mary's (mother of Jesus) way of life who's whole focus was on Jesus and keeping Jesus close to their hearts. Fr Hook challenges each and every one of us to reignite our love for Jesus especially through the Eucharist.