Steve Read — Aug 10, 2022

The College invites you to the Course Advice & Career Planning evening in the Kavanagh College Auditorium on Thursday 25th August at 7.00pm.

We will have representatives from the University of Otago, University of Otago College of Education, Otago Polytechnic - including nursing, defences Forces and the New Zealand School of Tourism, who are available to talk to, and discuss options with, students and parents. Information and a model for planning courses at school will also be provided.

There will be a brief demonstration of the excellent interactive tools available on the Careers NZ website.

Our invitation is also extended to all Year 12 - 13 students and parents who would also like some 1:1 advice from our tertiary providers between 7.00 - 8.00pm in the school library.

The school Careers Advisor will also be present.

Parents of students in Years 10 -12 will be emailed a letter with an explanation of what support is available from the school with regard to Career Pathways and 2023 Course Selection tomorrow.

Also a reminder about the Parent/Student/Mentor interviews Wednesday 24 August to discuss their goals sheet, adjust or re-position their goals for the remainder of the year and discuss subject choices for 2023. Bookings are available on using the booking code 9TQD95AP.