Tracy O'Brien — Nov 18, 2018

Tena Koutou Wet Spring Greetings

The wet, wintry like blast over the last week played havoc with school camps and outings. The Year 7 trip to the Orokonui Ecosanctuary had to be cancelled at the last minute. Students ended up having a sleepover at school in the Library which worked out well. At least they got a chance to do something different and have a bit of fun in spite of the miserable conditions. Thanks to staff and parents for the great improvisation and making it work. 

The Year 8's have also had some challenges in Gore at Camp Columba this week with severe wind as well as heavy rain to contend with. Again staff, parents and students have met the challenge head-on and remained in good spirits. Well done to all.

Currently, we are in full planning mode for 2019. Staffing is coming together well with quite a few internal portfolio shuffles. Next year Mrs Kathleen O'Kane will be acting DRS assisted by Mr Greg Boyle and Ms Sarah Henderson, as we farewell Dr Laurel Lanner who leaves at the end of the year to take up a position with NCRS supporting national religious studies programs. 

Another key post to fill is Mr Sidney Bennett our Bursar who is retiring at the end of January. This position is currently being advertised. 

On the Board of Trustees, we also have a key change with our secretary Mrs Lee Nicol finishing at the end of this year. If you know of anyone who might be interested in this role please contact the main office or me directly. A per meeting stipend is paid for Board and sub-committee meetings maintaining the minutes, meetings, agendas and other sundry admin roles to support Board operations. It is a key role and would suit someone who is wanting to make a service contribution to the College with strong admin skills, and an interest in school governance affairs.

Take care on the roads out there and as a special intention spare a thought and prayer for all of those in NZ affected by road accidents and deaths. It is sad to see that nationally we are heading for a new record this year. Let's start with keeping ourselves and immediate loved ones safe.