Jean Allibone — Mar 6, 2019

On Thursday 14th March all Year 11 students will travel to the Edgar Centre to attend the Survivor 2020 Safer Journeys Expo for the afternoon.

They will travel to and from the expo by bus. 

The Survivor 2020 Safer Journeys Expo has been developed to educate young people and increase their awareness about road safety. It takes the form of workshops, demonstrations, discussions and displays. The content of the expo revolves around a car crash and is in-depth, detailed and graphic.

Our Year 11's will be accompanied and supervised by the Year 11 Dean, several teaching staff and our school counsellors.

Students will receive a notice with full details and further information.

If there are any questions or concerns please make contact with Jean Allibone (Year 11 Dean) - 4773408.