Kate Nicholson — Mar 3, 2022

You may have read in the ODT during the weekend about the new 'Hearing You' initiative to replace the ChatBus service for primary schools.

Some of our new whānau may not realise that Kavanagh College is part of the Dunedin Catholic Schools' Kāhui Ako (Community of Learning), a group of ten schools that work together and pool resources at times, to ensure our children in Dunedin Catholic schools are getting the best possible educational experience. 

After ChatBus finished at the end of last year, our Kāhui Ako worked hard to find a replacement counselling service for our primary schools. And so, it has been exciting to have “Hearing You”, a new counseling support for our Catholic primary schools, start this week. 

I would like to acknowledge Catholic Social Services for working with our schools to make this happen and to the Mercy Charitable Outreach Fund and the Catholic Caring Foundation who have given us funding support. There will be a link between Hearing You and our Kavanagh College Guidance Counsellors to again strengthen the support given to all our tamariki in our Kāhui Ako.